How to connect to your StorageNode Instance

How to connect to your StorageNode Instance

How to connect to your StorageNode Instance

After completing the ordering process you will receive a welcome email containing the details of the provisioned StorageNode instance. You will need the following information from the welcome email to be able to connect and login to your StorageNode:

StorageNode URL

The external connection StorageNode url. e.g. storagenode-a.syd.solnode.com

Port Number

The port number your StorageNode is mapped to e.g. 60242. This is the connection port for your service.

Admin User Password

The Admin user password can be retrieved from your ClientPortal or Welcome email.

Connect from UNIX

With the above pieces of information. You will be able to login and start utilising your StorageNode, with the following terminal command.

ssh [storageNodeURL]-l admin -p [Port]

ssh snode-syd-1.solnode.com -l admin -p 60012

Remember to login as the admin user, as password based login as root is disabled on the StorageNode instance. Once logged in, root access is available via sudo

Pre-shared ssh key-based authentication for root is allowed.

Connect from Windows

To access your StorageNode from a Windows machine you will need an SSH client. You can use a free simple SSH client called Putty [Download link]

Once you have installed an SSH client fill out the relevant details.

  • Specify the StorageNode url for the “Host Name” within the session configuration screen
  • Specify the provided port number for your StorageNode instance
  • Click “Open” or “Connect

Remember to login as the admin user when prompted , as password based login as root is disabled on the StorageNode instance. Once logged in, root access is available via sudo

Pre-shared ssh key-based authentication for root is allowed.

About the Author
DataMossa Team
DataMossa is a provider of cloud storage products and services. Our aim is to provide affordable and flexible Storage Solutions.